IBM Books

Using and Configuring Features Version 3.4

Configuring and Monitoring Quality of Service (QoS)

This chapter describes Quality of Service (QoS) configuration and operational commands for LAN and ELAN interfaces in the device. It contains the following sections:

Quality of Service Overview

The QoS feature leverages the benefits of ATM QoS capabilities for LAN Emulation Data Direct VCCs. This support is referred to as "Configurable QoS for LAN Emulation". The key attributes and the benefits of this feature are as follows:

Benefits of QoS

QoS Configuration Parameters

This section describes nine parameters that are used for QoS configuration. The following six parameters can be configured for an LE Client, ATM Interface, and an Emulated LAN:

  1. max-reserved-bandwidth
  2. traffic-type
  3. peak-cell-rate
  4. sustained-cell-rate
  5. max-burst-size
  6. qos-class

The following two parameters can be configured for an Emulated LAN and an LE Client:

  1. validate-pcr-of-best-effort-vccs
  2. negotiate-qos

The accept-qos-parms-from-lecs parameter can be configured only for an LE Client.

The first six parameters control the traffic characteristics of Data Direct VCCs established by the LE Client while the first parameter also applies to the calls received by the LE Client. The following characteristics are associated with all the Data Direct VCCs established by the LE Client:

Maximum Reserved Bandwidth (max-reserved-bandwidth)

The maximum reserved bandwidth acceptable for a Data Direct VCC. This parameter applies to both Data Direct VCC calls received by the LE Client and Data Direct VCC calls placed by the LE Client. For incoming calls, this parameter defines the maximum acceptable SCR for a Data Direct VCC. If SCR is not specified on the incoming call, then this parameter defines the maximum acceptable PCR for a Data Direct VCC with reserved bandwidth.

Calls received with traffic parameters specifying higher rates will be released. If SCR is specified on the incoming call, the call will not be rejected due to the PCR or Maximum Burst Size. The constraint imposed by this parameter is not applicable to best_effort connections. For outgoing calls, this parameter sets an upper bound on the amount of reserved bandwidth that can be requested for a Data Direct VCC. Therefore the traffic-type and sustained-cell-rate parameters are dependent upon this parameter.

Valid Values:
Integer in the range 0 to the line speed of ATM device in kbps

Default Value:

Traffic Type (traffic-type)

The desired traffic type for Data Direct VCCs. If QoS parameters are not negotiated, then this parameter specifies the type of calls placed by the LE Client. Otherwise, if QoS parameters are negotiated, this parameter specifies the desired type of traffic characteristics for Data Direct VCCs. When QoS parameters are negotiated, if either the source or target LEC desires a reserved bandwidth connection and both LECs support reserved bandwidth connections (that is, max-reserved-bandwidth > 0), then an attempt will be made to establish a reserved bandwidth Data Direct VCC between the two LECs. Otherwise, the Data Direct VCC will be a best-effort connection. Dependencies: max-reserved-bandwidth

Valid Values:
best_effort or reserved_bandwidth


Peak Cell Rate (peak-cell-rate)

The desired peak cell rate for Data Direct VCCs. If QoS parameters are not negotiated, then this parameter specifies the PCR traffic parameter for Data Direct VCC calls placed by the LE Client. Otherwise, if QoS parameters are negotiated, this parameter specifies the desired PCR traffic parameter for Data Direct VCCs. The minimum of the desired PCRs of the two LECs is used for negotiated best-effort VCCs.

When a reserved bandwidth VCC is negotiated and only one of the LE Clients requests a reserved bandwidth connection, then the desired PCR of that LEC is used for the Data Direct VCC subject to the upper bound imposed by the line rate of the local ATM device. If both LECs request a reserved bandwidth connection, then the maximum of the desired PCRs of the LE Clients is used for the Data Direct VCC subject to the upper bound imposed the line rate of the local ATM device.

Valid Values:
An integer value in the range 0 to the line speed of ATM device in kbps

Default Value:
Line speed of LEC ATM Device in kbps.

Sustained Cell Rate (sustained-cell-rate)

The desired sustained cell rate for Data Direct VCCs. If QoS parameters are not negotiated, then this parameter specifies the SCR traffic parameter for Data Direct VCC calls placed by the LE Client. Otherwise, if QoS parameters are negotiated, this parameter specifies the desired SCR traffic parameter for Data Direct VCCs.

When a reserved bandwidth VCC is negotiated and only one of the LE Clients requests a reserved bandwidth connection, then the desired SCR of that LEC is used for the Data Direct VCC (subject to the upper bound imposed by the max-reserved-bandwidth parameter of the other LEC). If both LECs request a reserved bandwidth connection, then the maximum of the desired SCRs of the LE Clients is used for the Data Direct VCC (subject to the upper bound imposed by the max-reserved-bandwidth parameters of both LECs). In any case (negotiation or not), if the SCR that is to be signaled equals the PCR that is to be signaled, then the call is signaled with PCR only.

Dependencies: max-reserved-bandwidth, traffic-type and peak-cell-rate. This parameter is applicable only when traffic-type is reserved_bandwidth.

Valid Values:
An integer value in the range 0 to the minimum of max-reserved-bandwidth and peak-cell-rate, specified in kbps

Default Value

Maximum Burst Size (max-burst-size)

The desired maximum burst size for Data Direct VCCs. If QoS parameters are not negotiated, then this parameter specifies the Maximum Burst Size traffic parameter for Data Direct VCC calls placed by the LE Client. Otherwise, if QoS parameters are negotiated, this parameter specifies the desired Maximum Burst Size traffic parameter for Data Direct VCCs.

When a reserved bandwidth VCC is negotiated and only one of the LE Clients requests a reserved bandwidth connection, then the desired Maximum Burst Size of that LEC is used for the Data Direct VCC. If both LECs request a reserved bandwidth connection, then the maximum of the desired Maximum Burst Sizes of the LE Clients is used for the Data Direct VCC.

In any case (negotiation or not), the Maximum Burst Size is signaled only when SCR is signaled. Although this parameter is expressed in units of cells, it is configured as an integer multiple of the Maximum Data Frame Size (specified in LEC's C3 parameter) with a lower bound of 1.

Dependencies: This parameter is applicable only when traffic-type is reserved_bandwidth.

Valid Values:
An integer number of frames; must be greater than 0

1 frame

QoS Class (qos-class)

The desired QoS class for reserved bandwidth calls. If QoS parameters are not negotiated, then this parameter specifies the QoS Class to be used for reserved bandwidth Data Direct VCC calls placed by the LE Client. Otherwise, if QoS parameters are negotiated, this parameter specifies the QoS Class that is desired for Data Direct VCCs. Unspecified QoS Class is always used on best-effort calls. Specified QoS Classes define objective values for ATM performance. Specified QoS Classes define objective values for ATM performance parameters such as cell loss ratio and cell transfer delay.

The UNI Specification states that:

Specified QoS Class 1
should yield performance comparable to current digital private line performance.

Specified QoS Class 2
is intended for packetized video and audio in teleconferencing and multimedia applications.

Specified QoS Class 3
is intended for interoperation of connection oriented protocols, such as Frame Relay.

Specified QoS Class 4
is intended for interoperation of connectionless protocols, such as IP or SMDS.

LECs must be able to accept calls with any of the above QoS Classes. When QoS parameters are negotiated, the configured QoS Classes of the two LECs are compared, and the QoS Class with the more stringent requirements is used.

Valid Values:
0: for Unspecified QoS Class

1: for Specified QoS Class 1

2: for Specified QoS Class 2

3: for Specified QoS Class 3

4: for Specified QoS Class 4

Default Value:
0 (Unspecified QoS Class)

Validate PCR of Best-Effort VCCs (validate-pcr-of-best-effort-vccs)

To validate Peak Cell Rate of Best-Effort VCCs. When FALSE, best-effort VCCs will be accepted without regard to the signaled forward PCR. When TRUE, best- effort VCCs will be rejected if the signaled forward PCR exceeds the line rate of the LE Client ATM device. Calls will not be rejected due to the backward PCR. The signaled backward PCR will be honored if it does not exceed the line rate; otherwise, transmissions to the caller will be at line rate.


  1. Accepting best-effort VCCs with forward PCRs that exceed the line rate can result in poor performance due to excessive retransmissions; however, rejecting these VCCs can result in interoperability problems.

  2. The yes setting is useful when callers will retry with a lower PCR following call rejection due to unavailable cell rate.

Valid Values:
yes, no

Default Value:

Negotiate QoS (negotiate-qos)

Enable QoS parameter negotiation for Data Direct VCCs. This parameter should be enabled only when connecting to an IBM MSS LES. When this parameter is yes, the LE Client will include an IBM Traffic Parameter TLV in LE_JOIN_REQUEST and LE_ARP_RESPONSE frames sent to the LES. This TLV will include the values of max-reserved-bandwidth, traffic-type, peak-cell-rate, sustained-cell-rate, max-burst-size and qos-class. An IBM Traffic Parameter TLV may also be included in a LE_ARP_RESPONSE returned to the LE Client by the LES.

If there is no TLV in a LE_ARP_RESPONSE received by the LE Client, then the local configuration parameters must be used to setup the Data Direct VCC. If a TLV is included in a LE_ARP_RESPONSE, the LE Client must compare the contents of the TLV with the corresponding local values to determine the "negotiated" or "best" set of parameters acceptable to both parties before signaling for the Data Direct VCC.

Valid Values:
yes, no

Default Value:

Accept QoS Parms from LECS (accept-qos-parms-from-lecs)

This parameter gives the ability to configure an LE Client to accept/reject QoS parameters from a LECS. When this parameter is yes, the LE Client should use the QoS parameters obtained from the LE Clients in the LE_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE frames, that is, the QoS parameters from the LE Clients override the locally configured QoS parameters. If this parameter is no then the LE Client will ignore any QoS parameters received in an LE_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE frame from the LE Clients.

Valid Values:
yes, no

Default Value:

Accessing the QoS Configuration Prompt

Use the feature command from the CONFIG process to access the Quality of Service configuration commands. Enter feature followed by the feature number (6) or short name (QoS). For example:

  Config> feature qos
  Quality of Service - Configuration
  QoS Config>

Once you access the QoS Config> prompt, you can configure the Quality of Service (QoS) of an LE Client, or an ATM Interface. To return to the Config> prompt at any time, enter the exit command at the QoS Config> prompt.

Alternatively, you can configure QoS parameters for an LE Client or an ATM Interface by accessing the entities as follows:

Quality of Service Commands

This section summarizes the QoS configuration commands. Use the following commands to configure Quality of Service. Enter the commands from the QoS Config> prompt.

Table 37. Quality of Service (QoS) Configuration Command Summary

 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 le-client   Gets you to the LE Client QoS configuration > prompt for the selected LE client. 
 atm-interface   Gets you to the ATM Interface QoS configuration> prompt for the selected ATM interface. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

LE Client QoS Configuration Commands

This section summarizes and explains the commands for configuring QoS for a specific LE Client.

Use the following commands at the LEC QoS config> prompt.

Table 38. LE Client Quality of Service (QoS) Configuration Command Summary

 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 List   Lists the current QoS configuration of the LE Client. 
 Set   Sets the QoS parameters of the LE Client. 
 Remove   Removes the QoS configuration of the LE Client. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to list the QoS configuration of this LE Client. QoS parameters are listed only if at least one has been specifically configured (see Example 1). Otherwise, no parameters are listed (see Example 2).



Example 1:

LEC QoS Config> list
           LE Client QoS Configuration for Data Direct VCCs
     (ATM interface number = 0,  LEC interface number = 3)
  Maximum Reserved Bandwidth for a Data-Direct VCC = 10000 Kbps
  Data-Direct VCC Type ........................... = Best-Effort
  Data-Direct VCC Peak Cell Rate ................. = 155000 Kbps
  Data-Direct VCC Sustained Cell Rate ............ = 155000 Kbps
  Desired QoS Class of Reserved Connections ...... = 0
  Max Burst Size of Reserved Connections    ...... = 0 frames
  Validate Peak Rate of Best-Effort connections .. = No
  Enable QoS Parameter Negotiation ............... = Yes
  Accept QoS Parameters from LECS ................ = Yes
LEC QoS Config> 

Example 2:

LEC QoS Config> list
   QoS has not been configured for this LEC.
   Please use the SET option to configure QoS.
LEC QoS Config>


Use the set command to specify LE Client QoS parameters.












Use this option to enable/disable the LE Client to accept/reject the QoS parameters received from an LECS as TLVs. See "Accept QoS Parms from LECS (accept-qos-parms-from-lecs)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
yes, no

Default Value:


LEC QoS Config> se acc y
LEC QoS Config>

Use this option to set the QoS parameters to default values. In the following example the default values are also listed.


LEC QoS Config> set all-default-values
   Failed to locate existing QoS configuration record!
   Using a new set of default values ...
   Initializing all parameters to default values
   LEC QoS Config>  list
              LE Client QoS Configuration for Data Direct VCCs
        (ATM interface number = 0,  LEC interface number = 3)
     Maximum Reserved Bandwidth for a Data-Direct VCC = 0 Kbps
     Data-Direct VCC Type ........................... = Best-Effort
     Data-Direct VCC Peak Cell Rate ................. = 155000 Kbps
     Data-Direct VCC Sustained Cell Rate ............ = 155000 Kbps
     Desired QoS Class of Reserved Connections ...... = 0
     Max Burst Size of Reserved Connections    ...... = 0 frames
     Validate Peak Rate of Best-Effort connections .. = No
     Enable QoS Parameter Negotiation ............... = No
     Accept QoS Parameters from LECS ................ = Yes
  LEC QoS Config> 

Sets the desired maximum burst size in frames. See "Maximum Burst Size (max-burst-size)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
An integer number of frames; must be greater than 0

1 frame


LEC QoS Config> se ma
   Maximum Burst Size in Kbps [1]? 10000
   LEC QoS Config> 

Use this option to set the maximum reserved bandwidth allowable per Data Direct VCC. See "Maximum Reserved Bandwidth (max-reserved-bandwidth)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
Integer in the range 0 to the line speed of ATM device in kbps

Default Value:


   LEC QoS Config> set max-reserved-bandwidth
   Maximum reserved bandwidth acceptable for a data-direct VCC (in Kbps) [0]? 20000
   LEC QoS Config>

Use this option to enable/disable the LE Client's participation in QoS negotiation. See "Negotiate QoS (negotiate-qos)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
yes, no

Default Value:


LEC QoS Config> se neg y
LEC QoS Config> 

Sets the desired peak cell rate for Data Direct. See "Peak Cell Rate (peak-cell-rate)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
An integer value in the range 0 to the line speed of ATM device in kbps

Default Value:
Line speed of LEC ATM Device in kbps.


   LEC QoS Config> set peak-cell-rate
   Data-Direct VCC Peak Cell Rate in Kbps [1]? 25000
   LEC QoS Config>  

Sets the desired QoS Class for Data Direct VCCs. See "QoS Class (qos-class)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
0: for Unspecified QoS Class

1: for Specified QoS Class 1

2: for Specified QoS Class 2

3: for Specified QoS Class 3

4: for Specified QoS Class 4

Default Value:
0 (Unspecified QoS Class)


   LEC QoS Config> se qos
   Desired QoS Class for Data Direct VCCs [0]? 1
   LEC QoS Config>  

Sets the desired sustained cell rate for Data Direct VCCs. See "Sustained Cell Rate (sustained-cell-rate)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
An integer value in the range 0 to the minimum of max-reserved-bandwidth and peak-cell-rate, specified in kbps

Default Value


   LEC QoS Config> se sus
   Data-Direct VCC Sustained Cell Rate in Kbps [1]? 10000
   LEC QoS Config> 

Sets the desired traffic for Data Direct VCCs. See "Traffic Type (traffic-type)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
best effort or reserved bandwidth

best effort


   LEC QoS Config>set traffic-type
     Choose from:
        (0): Best-Effort
        (1): Reserved-Bandwidth
   Data Direct VCC Type [0]? 1
   Note: Peak Cell Rate has been reset to 1
         Sustained Cell Rate has been reset to 1
         Max Reserved Bandwidth has been reset to 1
         Please configure appropriate values.
   LEC QoS Config> 

Use this option to enable/disable validation of the Peak Cell Rate traffic parameter of the Data Direct VCC calls received by this LE Client. See "Validate PCR of Best-Effort VCCs (validate-pcr-of-best-effort-vccs)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
yes, no

Default Value:


LEC QoS Config> se val y
LEC QoS Config> 


Use the remove command to remove the QoS configuration of this LE Client.


LEC QoS Config> remove
WARNING: This option deletes the QoS configuration.
         To re-configure use any of the SET options.
Should the LEC QoS configuration be deleted? [No]: yes
Deleted QoS configuration successfully
LEC QoS Config> 

ATM Interface QoS Configuration Commands

Table 39. LE Client Quality of Service (QoS) Configuration Command Summary

 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 List   Lists the current ATM Interface QoS configuration. 
 Set   Sets the ATM Interface QoS parameters. 
 Remove   Removes the QoS configuration of the ATM Interface. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to list the QoS configuration of this ATM Interface. QoS parameters are listed only if at least one parameter has been configured (see following example). Otherwise, no parameters are listed.




ATM-I/F 0 QoS> list
          ATM Interface `Quality of Service' Configuration
                    (ATM interface number = 0  )
     Maximum Reserved Bandwidth for a VCC = 15000 Kbps
     VCC Type ........................... = RESERVED-BANDWIDTH
     Peak Cell Rate ..................... = 20000 Kbps
     Sustained Cell Rate ................ = 5000 Kbps
     QoS Class .......................... = 4
     Maximum Burst Size ................. = 5 frames
ATM-I/F 0 QoS>


Use the set command to specify ATM Interface QoS parameters.








Sets the desired maximum burst size in frames. See "Maximum Burst Size (max-burst-size)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
An integer number of frames; must be greater than 0

1 frame


   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config> se ma
   Maximum Burst Size in Kbps [1]? 10000
   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config>

Use this option to set the maximum reserved bandwidth allowable for each Data Direct VCC. See "Maximum Reserved Bandwidth (max-reserved-bandwidth)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
Integer in the range 0 to the line speed of ATM device in kbps

Default Value:


   ATM-I/F 0 QoS> se max-reserved-bandwidth
   Maximum reserved bandwidth acceptable for a data-direct VCC (in Kbps) [0]?
   ATM-I/F 0 QoS>

Sets the desired peak cell rate for Data Direct VCCs. See "Peak Cell Rate (peak-cell-rate)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
An integer value in the range 0 to the line speed of ATM device in kbps

Default Value:
Line speed of LEC ATM Device in kbps.


   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config> set peak-cell-rate
   Data-Direct VCC Peak Cell Rate in Kbps [1]? 25000
   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config>

Sets the desired QoS Class for Data Direct VCCs. See "QoS Class (qos-class)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
0: for Unspecified QoS Class

1: for Specified QoS Class 1

2: for Specified QoS Class 2

3: for Specified QoS Class 3

4: for Specified QoS Class 4

Default Value:
0 (Unspecified QoS Class)


   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config> se qos
   Desired QoS Class for Data Direct VCCs [0]? 1
   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config>

Sets the desired sustained cell rate for Data Direct VCCs. See "Sustained Cell Rate (sustained-cell-rate)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
An integer value in the range 0 to the minimum of max-reserved-bandwidth and peak-cell-rate; specified in kbps

Default Value

   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config> se sus
   Data-Direct VCC Sustained Cell Rate in Kbps [1]? 10000
   ATM-I/F 0 QoS Config>

Sets the desired traffic for Data Direct VCCs. See "Traffic Type (traffic-type)" for a more detailed description of this parameter.

Valid Values:
best_effort or reserved_bandwidth



   ATM-I/F 0 QoS> set traffic-type
     Choose from:
        (0): Best-Effort
        (1): Reserved Bandwidth
   Traffic Type of VCCs [1]? 0
   ATM-I/F 0 QoS>


Use the remove command to remove the QoS configuration of this ATM Interface.


ATM-I/F 0 QoS> remove
WARNING: This option deletes the QoS configuration.
         To re-configure use any of the SET options.
Should the ATM Interface QoS configuration be deleted? [No]: yes
Deleted QoS SRAM record successfully
ATM-I/F 0 QoS>

Accessing the QoS Monitoring Commands

Use the feature command from the GWCON process to access the Quality of Service monitoring commands. Enter the feature followed by the feature number (6) or short name (QoS). For example:

  +feature qos
  Quality of Service (QoS) - User Monitoring

Once you access the QoS monitoring prompt, you can select the monitoring of a particular LE Client. To return to the GWCON prompt at any time, enter the exit command at the QoS monitoring prompt.

Alternatively, you can access the QoS Monitoring of an LE Client as follows:

  1. At the GWCON prompt (+), enter the network command and the LE Client interface number.
  2. At the LE Client monitoring prompt enter qos-information.


      +network 3
      ATM Emulated LAN Monitoring
      LEC+qos information
      LE Client QoS Monitoring
      LEC 3 QoS+

Quality of Service Monitoring Commands

This section summarizes the QoS monitoring commands. Enter these commands at the QoS+ prompt.

Table 40. Quality of Service (QoS) Monitoring Command Summary

 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 le-client   Gets you to the LE Client QoS console + prompt for the selected LE client. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".

LE Client QoS Monitoring Commands

This section summarizes the LE Client QoS monitoring commands. Enter the commands from the LEC num QoS+ prompt.

Table 41. LE Client QoS Monitoring Command Summary

 Command   Function 
? (Help) Displays all the commands available for this command level or lists the options for specific commands (if available). See "Getting Help".
 List   Lists the current LE Client QoS information. Options include: configuration parameters, TLVs, VCCs, and statistics. 
Exit Returns you to the previous command level. See "Exiting a Lower Level Environment".


Use the list command to list the QoS related information of this LE Client.



data-direct-VCCs (Detailed Information)




Lists the QoS configuration parameters. Because parameters can be configured for an LE Client, ATM Interface or the ELAN, these parameters are displayed along with a resolved set of parameters that are used by the LE Client.

The parameters configured for this LE Client which are obtained from the SRAM records. If the SRAM records contain an invalid set of parameters then this column will not display any parameters values.

ATM Interface
The parameters configured for the ATM Interface used by this LE Client. These parameters are obtained from the local SRAM records. If the SRAM records contain an invalid set of parameters then this column will not display any parameter values.

The parameters received by this LE Client from the LE Configuration Server. The parameters are received as individual TLVs in the LE_CONFIGURE_RESPONSE control message.

The resolved set of traffic parameters which are used by for its Data Direct VCCs. If none of the entities is configured with QoS parameters, then the USED parameters represent the default parameters. If parameters are configured for at least one entity, then they are resolved as follows:
  • If only the LE Client or the ATM Interface is configured with parameters and either the accept-parms-from-lecs is FALSE or no parameters were received from the LECS, then the configured LE Client or the ATM Interface parameters are used.
  • If both the LE Client and the ATM Interface have configured parameters, then the LE Client parameters are used.
  • If the accept-parms-from-lecs is TRUE and parameters were received from the LECS, then the LE Client parameters (or the default if the LE Client is not configured) are combined with those received from the LECS to form a complete set of the first six QoS parameters described in "QoS Configuration Parameters".
  • If the set of the first six QoS parameters described in "QoS Configuration Parameters" contains an invalid combination then the parameters from the LECS are rejected. Note that the two flags negotiate-qos and validate-pcr-of-best-effort-vccs are validated independently.


LEC 1 QoS+ list configuration parameters
                ATM LEC Configured QoS  Parameters
      QoS                                       |    LEC      ATM-IF    FROM
   PARAMETER                            USED    |    SRAM     SRAM      LECS
 Max Reserved Bandwidth (cells/sec) :    23584  |    23584        0     none
                        (Kbits/sec) :    10000  |    10000        0     none
 VCC Type ......................... :   ResvBW  |   ResvBW   BstEft        0
 Peak Cell Rate ........(cells/sec) :    18867  |    18867   365566   365566
                        (Kbits/sec) :     8000  |     8000   155000   155000
 Sustained Cell Rate ...(cells/sec) :    18867  |    18867   365566     none
                        (Kbits/sec) :     8000  |     8000   155000     none
 QoS Class ........................ :        4  |        4        0     none
 Max Burst Size ............(cells) :       95  |       95        0     none
                           (frames) :        1  |        1        0     none
 Validate PCR of Best-Effort VCCs . :       no  |       no      n/a     none
 Enable QoS Negotiation ........... :      yes  |      yes      n/a     none
 Accept QoS Parameters from LECS .. :      yes  |      yes      n/a      n/a
(BstEft = Best Effort, ResvBW = Reserved Bandwidth)
(n/a = not applicable, none = no value is specified)
LEC 1 QoS+

data-direct-vccs (Detailed Information)
This option lists the Data Direct VCC information of this LE Client. Similar information is also listed using list vcc-information.


LEC 1 QoS+ list data direct vccs
          LEC Data Direct VCCs - QoS Information
Conn Handle = 80, VPI = 0, VCI = 546
          TrafficType    = BEST EFFORT VCC
          PCR            = 58962 (25 Mbps)
          SCR            = 58962 (25 Mbps)
          QoS Class      = 0
          Max Burst Size = 0
Conn Handle = 78, VPI = 0, VCI = 544
          TrafficType    = RESERVED BANDWIDTH VCC
          PCR            = 58962 (25 Mbps)
          SCR            = 16509 (7 Mbps)
          QoS Class      = 1
          Max Burst Size = 95
LEC 1 QoS+

Counters are maintained for the following statistics:

Successful QoS Connections
Number of RESERVED-BANDWIDTH connections established by the LE Client.

Successful Best-Effort Connections
Number of BEST-EFFORT connections established by the LE Client.

Failed QoS Connections
Number of RESERVED-BANDWIDTH connection requests made by the LE Client that failed.

Failed Best-Effort Connections
Number of BEST-EFFORT connection requests made by the LE Client that failed.

QoS Negotiation Applied
Number of times the QoS negotiation extension was applied. Parameters are negotiated if the LE Client receives the destination LE Client's parameters in an LE_ARP_RESPONSE control message.

PCR Proposal (IBM) Applied
Number of times the IBM Peak Cell Rate Proposal was applied. This proposal recommends using specific rate parameters if signaling at 100 Mbps or 155 Mbps for BEST-EFFORT connections. This allows other participating IBM products (for example, 25-Mbps ATM adapters) to reject a connection based on the signaled peak cell rates.

QoS Connections Accepted
Number of RESERVED-BANDWIDTH connections accepted by this LE Client.

Best-Effort Connections Accepted
Number of BEST-EFFORT connections accepted by this LE Client.

QoS Connections Rejected
Number of RESERVED-BANDWIDTH connection requests received by this LE Client that were rejected.

Best-Effort Connections Rejected
Number of BEST-EFFORT connection requests received by this LE Client that were rejected.

Rejected due to PCR Validation
Number of BEST-EFFORT connections rejected by the LE Client due to validation of Peak Cell Rate when the validate-pcr-of-best-effort-vccs parameter is TRUE.


LEC 1 QoS+ li stat
QoS Statistics: of Data Direct Calls Placed by the LEC
    Successful QoS Connections          = 0
    Successful Best-Effort Connections  = 1
    Failed QoS Connections              = 1
    Failed Best-Effort Connections      = 1
    Qos Negotiation Applied             = 0
    PCR Proposal (IBM) Applied          = 0
QoS Statistics: of Data Direct Calls Received by the LEC
    QoS Connections Accepted            = 1
    Best-Effort Connections Accepted    = 0
    QoS Connections Rejected            = 0
    Best-Effort Connections Rejected    = 0
    Rejected due to PCR Validation      = 0
LEC 1 QoS+

Lists the IBM Traffic Information TLV that this LE Client registered with the LE Server. The TLV is registered only if the LE Client is participating in QoS Negotiation.


LEC 1 QoS+ list tlv
  Traffic Info TLV of the LEC (registered with the LES)
    TLV Type .........................= 268458498
    TLV Length .......................= 24
    TLV Value:
           Maximum Reserved Bandwidth = 23584 cells/sec (10 Mbps)
           Data Direct VCC Type...... = RESERVED BANDWIDTH VCC
           Data Direct VCC PCR....... = 18867 cells/sec (8 Mbps)
           Data Direct VCC SCR....... = 18867 cells/sec (8 Mbps)
           Data Direct VCC QoS Class  = 4
           Maximum Burst Size         = 95 cells (1 frames)
LEC 1 QoS+

Lists all active VCCs of the LE Client. The information includes the traffic parameters of the connections. For BEST-EFFORT connections, the Sustained Cell Rate is displayed to be the same as the Peak Cell Rate, QoS Class and the Maximum Burst Size are displayed as 0.

The Parameter Descriptor entries are:

Parameters of a connection established by this LE Client.

Parameters of a connection received by this LE Client.

Parameters of a connection established by the LE Client for which the QoS Negotiation was used.

Parameters of a connection established by this LE Client after failing at least once.


LEC 1 QoS+ li vcc
                             LEC VCC Table
Conn   Conn               Conn          VCC    PCR    SCR   QoS   Size    Parameters
Index  Handle VPI   VCI   Type  Status  Type  (kbps) (kbps) Class (cells) Descriptor
   2)     69    0   535  Cntrl  Ready  BstEft 155000 155000    0      0   SrcParms
   3)     71    0   537  Cntrl  Ready  BstEft      0      0    0      0   DestParms
   4)     72    0   538  Mcast  Ready  BstEft 155000 155000    0      0   SrcParms
   5)     74    0   540  Mcast  Ready  BstEft      0      0    0      0   DestParms
   6)     78    0   544  Data   Ready  ResvBW  25000   7000    1     95   DestParms
LEC 1 QoS+

QOS Dynamic Reconfiguration Support

This section describes dynamic reconfiguration (DR) as it affects Talk 6 and Talk 5 commands.

CONFIG (Talk 6) Delete Interface

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the CONFIG (Talk 6) delete interface command with the following consideration:

QOS is configured for a specific LEC or ATM interface. The QOS changes take effect when the command is issued to that particular interface.

GWCON (Talk 5) Activate Interface

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command with the following consideration:

QOS is configured for a specific LEC or ATM interface. The QOS changes take effect when the command is issued to that particular interface.

All Quality Of Service (QOS) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) activate interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Reset Interface

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command with the following consideration:

QOS is configured for a specific LEC or ATM interface. The QOS changes take effect when the command is issued to that particular interface.

All Quality Of Service (QOS) interface-specific commands are supported by the GWCON (Talk 5) reset interface command.

GWCON (Talk 5) Temporary Change Commands

Quality Of Service (QOS) supports the following GWCON commands that temporarily change the operational state of the device. These changes are lost whenever the device is reloaded, restarted, or you execute any dynamically reconfigurable command.

All QOS modifications in Talk 5 effect an immediate operational change when the command is issued to the interface for which it is configured.

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